図形手動で消してるのが画像記録されてしまったけど 消すように作ってた ハズカシイ(;´▽`A``
Option Explicit Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As Long) Sub 原子模型作成() Dim TargetSlide As Slide: Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) TargetSlide.Shapes.Range.Delete Dim 電子数 As Long: 電子数 = InputBox("電子数?") Dim AtomCore As ShpCls: Set AtomCore = New ShpCls AtomCore.SetShp TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 150, 150, 30, 30) Call 電子殻描画(電子数, AtomCore) Dim Electron(20) As ShpCls Dim p(20) As Parts Dim i As Long, 半径 As Long, 色 As Long, 補正 As Currency, 角度差分 As Long For i = 1 To 電子数 Set Electron(i) = New ShpCls Set p(i) = New Parts Select Case i Case Is <= 2 半径 = 30: 色 = vbRed: 補正 = 0.5 Case Is <= 10 半径 = 50: 色 = vbBlue: 補正 = 1 Case Is > 10 半径 = 70: 色 = vbYellow: 補正 = 1.5 End Select Electron(i).SetShp TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, AtomCore.X + 半径, AtomCore.Y, 10, 10) Electron(i).Shp.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = 色 p(i).SetShp Electron(i).Shp, AtomCore.Shp, 補正 Next ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run Dim j As Long, angle As Currency, 角度補正 As Currency Do angle = j * 3.14 / 180 * 10 For i = 1 To 電子数 角度補正 = 3.14 / 180 * Switch(i <= 2, 360 * i, i <= 10, 135 * (i - 2), i >= 10, 135 * (i - 10)) p(i).Move angle + 角度補正 Next AtomCore.Shp.TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents Sleep 100 j = j + 1 Loop End Sub Sub 電子殻描画(電子数 As Long, 原子核 As ShpCls) Dim TargetSlide As Slide: Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) With TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 原子核.X - 35, 原子核.Y - 35, 70, 70) .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack End With If 電子数 > 2 Then With TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 原子核.X - 55, 原子核.Y - 55, 110, 110) .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack End With End If If 電子数 > 10 Then With TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 原子核.X - 75, 原子核.Y - 75, 150, 150) .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack End With End If End Sub
Option Explicit Private pR As Currency Private s1 As ShpCls Private sc As ShpCls Private pAngleRate As Currency Public Sub SetShp(pShp1 As Shape, pShpCenter As Shape, 角度係数 As Currency) Set s1 = New ShpCls: s1.SetShp pShp1 Set sc = New ShpCls: sc.SetShp pShpCenter pR = Sqr((s1.X - sc.X) ^ 2 + (s1.Y - sc.Y) ^ 2) pAngleRate = 角度係数 End Sub Public Sub Move(pAngle As Currency) s1.X = sc.X + pR * Cos(pAngle * pAngleRate) s1.Y = sc.Y + pR * Sin(pAngle * pAngleRate) End Sub
Option Explicit Const PI = 3.1415 Private pShp As Shape Private pV As Currency Private pVAngle As Currency Private pA As Currency Private pAAngle As Currency Public Sub SetShp(図形 As Shape) Set pShp = 図形 End Sub Property Get Shp() As Shape Set Shp = pShp End Property Property Get X() As Currency X = pShp.Left + pShp.Width / 2 End Property Property Let X(X座標 As Currency) pShp.Left = X座標 - pShp.Width / 2 End Property Property Get Y() As Currency Y = pShp.Top + pShp.Height / 2 End Property Property Let Y(Y座標 As Currency) pShp.Top = Y座標 - pShp.Height / 2 End Property Property Get Left() As Currency Left = pShp.Left End Property Property Let Left(pLeft As Currency) pShp.Left = pLeft End Property Property Get Right() As Currency Right = pShp.Left + pShp.Width End Property Property Let Right(pRight As Currency) pShp.Left = pRight - pShp.Width End Property Property Get Top() As Currency Top = pShp.Top End Property Property Let Top(pTop As Currency) pShp.Top = pTop End Property Property Get Bottom() As Currency Bottom = pShp.Top + pShp.Height End Property Property Let Bottom(pBottom As Currency) pShp.Top = pBottom - pShp.Height End Property Property Get Width() As Currency Width = pShp.Width End Property Property Let Width(pWidth As Currency) pShp.Width = pWidth End Property Property Get Height() As Currency Height = pShp.Height End Property Property Let Height(pHeight As Currency) pShp.Height = pHeight End Property Public Sub Delete() pShp.Delete End Sub Property Get 速度角度() As Currency 速度角度 = pVAngle End Property Public Sub SetV(速度 As Currency, 速度角度 As Currency) pV = 速度 pVAngle = 速度角度 End Sub Public Sub SetA(加速度 As Currency, 加速度角度 As Currency) pA = 加速度 pAAngle = 加速度角度 End Sub Public Sub Move() Me.X = Me.X + pV * Cos(pVAngle) Me.Y = Me.Y + pV * Sin(pVAngle) pV = Sqr((pV * Cos(pVAngle) + pA * Cos(pAAngle)) ^ 2 + (pV * Sin(pVAngle) + pA * Sin(pAAngle)) ^ 2) pVAngle = angle(pV * Cos(pVAngle) + pA * Cos(pAAngle), pV * Sin(pVAngle) + pA * Sin(pAAngle)) End Sub Function angle(X As Currency, Y As Currency) Dim pHosei As Currency If Abs(X) < 0.001 Then If Y > 0 Then angle = PI / 2 ElseIf Y < 0 Then angle = -PI / 2 Else angle = PI / 2 '(;´▽`A`` End If Else If X > 0 Then If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = 0 Else pHosei = 2 * PI Else If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = PI Else pHosei = PI End If angle = Atn(Y / X) End If angle = angle + pHosei End Function