線に沿う玉の運動を描く⑩ 別のアプローチ
じゃあ・・と すごい力業でやりました。
slopeという適当な斜面と 玉数,最低h という2つのテキストボックスを準備します。形その他は適当に。
こんな感じの動きをします。準備で 必要な玉を描画しておいて,アニメーションで表示・非表示を制御して動かしています。
あと, 斜面が途切れた時のことを考えないとイケナイデス。
Option Explicit Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As LongPtr) Public Const Rate As Currency = 1 Const SID = 1 Sub 準備() Dim TSlide As Slide: Set TSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(SID) Dim Ball As Shape Dim shpSlope As Shape: Set shpSlope = TSlide.Shapes("slope") Dim y0 As Long: y0 = 30 Dim dx As Long: dx = 10 Dim dy As Long: dy = 2 Dim x0 As Long: x0 = 30 Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim ydash As Long Dim check As CorrCls: Set check = New CorrCls Dim s As Shape TSlide.Shapes.Range.Visible = msoTrue On Error Resume Next Do For Each s In TSlide.Shapes If Left(s.Name, 4) = "Ball" Then s.Delete Next DoEvents Loop Until TSlide.Shapes.Count = 3 On Error GoTo 0 ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run i = 1: j = 1 ydash = y0 Do Set Ball = MakeBall(TSlide, i, 40, vbYellow, x0 + (i - 1) * dx, ydash) Do check.当たり判定 Ball, shpSlope, False If check.bln当たり = True Then Exit Do Ball.Top = Ball.Top + dy Ball.TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents Loop Until Ball.Top >= ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Height If check.bln当たり = False Then GoTo Flag: If Ball.Top - 50 > y0 Then ydash = Ball.Top - 50 i = i + 1 If Ball.Top < TSlide.Shapes("ball1").Top And i > 10 Then Flag: Ball.Delete Exit Do End If Loop Until Ball.Left + Ball.Width / 2 >= ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Width i = i - 2 TSlide.Shapes("玉数").TextFrame.TextRange = i Dim hmax As Currency, tmpTop As Currency For i = 1 To CLng(TSlide.Shapes("玉数").TextFrame.TextRange) tmpTop = TSlide.Shapes("ball" & i).Top If tmpTop > hmax Then hmax = tmpTop Next TSlide.Shapes("最低h").TextFrame.TextRange = hmax SlideShowWindows(1).View.Exit End Sub Function MakeBall(pslide As Slide, id As Long, 直径 As Long, 色 As Long, pX As Long, pY As Long) As Shape With pslide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, pX, pY, 直径, 直径) .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = 色 .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0) .Line.Weight = 2 .Name = "Ball" & id End With Set MakeBall = pslide.Shapes("Ball" & id) End Function Sub アニメーション() Dim TSlide As Slide: Set TSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(SID) Dim Ball数 As Long: Ball数 = CLng(TSlide.Shapes("玉数").TextFrame.TextRange) Dim s As Shape, Keisuu As Currency Dim i As Long, di As Long Dim hmax As Long: hmax = CLng(TSlide.Shapes("最低h").TextFrame.TextRange) ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run Keisuu = 20 TSlide.Shapes.Range.Visible = msoFalse TSlide.Shapes("slope").Visible = msoTrue TSlide.Shapes("玉数").Visible = msoTrue TSlide.Shapes("最低h").Visible = msoTrue DoEvents i = 1 di = 1 Do TSlide.Shapes("ball" & i).Visible = msoTrue TSlide.Shapes("slope").TextFrame.TextRange = " " Sleep CLng(Sqr((hmax - TSlide.Shapes("ball" & i).Top) * Keisuu) + 1) DoEvents TSlide.Shapes("ball" & i).Visible = msoFalse i = i + di If i = Ball数 Then If TSlide.Shapes("ball1").Top + 10 < TSlide.Shapes("ball" & i).Top Then Exit Do End If If i = Ball数 Then di = di * (-1) If i = 0 Then di = 1: i = 1 Loop SlideShowWindows(1).View.Exit End Sub
Option Explicit Const PI As Currency = 3.1415 Private pAngle As Currency Private pAngleCol As Currency Private pDist As Currency Private pDistCol As Currency Private pblnColl As Boolean Property Get bln当たり() As Boolean bln当たり = pblnColl End Property Property Get 角度() As Currency 角度 = pAngle End Property Property Get 距離() As Currency 距離 = pDist End Property Property Get 重なり距離() As Currency 重なり距離 = pDistCol End Property Public Sub 当たり判定(sShp As Shape, tShp As Shape, blnMove As Boolean) Dim pslide As Slide: Set pslide = ActivePresentation.Slides(sShp.Parent.SlideIndex) Dim lngShpNo As Long: lngShpNo = pslide.Shapes.Count pslide.Shapes.Range(Array(sShp.Name, tShp.Name)).Duplicate.MergeShapes msoMergeIntersect Dim sS As ShpCls: Set sS = New ShpCls: sS.SetShp sShp Dim tS As ShpCls: Set tS = New ShpCls: tS.SetShp tShp pAngle = Angle(tS.X - sS.X, tS.Y - sS.Y) pDist = Sqr((tS.X - sS.X) ^ 2 + (tS.Y - sS.Y) ^ 2) If pslide.Shapes.Count = lngShpNo Then pblnColl = False Exit Sub End If pblnColl = True Dim dS As ShpCls: Set dS = New ShpCls: dS.SetShp pslide.Shapes(pslide.Shapes.Count) dS.X = dS.X - 12: dS.Y = dS.Y - 12 'Duplicateのずれの訂正 ' With pslide.Shapes.AddLine(sS.X, sS.Y, dS.X, dS.Y) ' .Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlue ' End With pDistCol = Sqr((dS.X - sS.X) ^ 2 + (dS.Y - sS.Y) ^ 2) 'pslide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dS.X, dS.Y, 10, 10).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed If blnMove = True Then sS.X = dS.X + (sS.Width / 2 - pDistCol) * Cos(pAngle) sS.Y = dS.Y - (sS.Width / 2 - pDistCol) * Sin(pAngle) End If dS.Delete End Sub Function Angle(X As Currency, Y As Currency) Dim pHosei As Currency If Abs(X) < 0.01 Then If Y > 0 Then Angle = PI / 2 ElseIf Y < 0 Then Angle = -PI / 2 Else Angle = 0 '(;´▽`A`` End If Else If X > 0 Then If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = 0 Else pHosei = 2 * PI Else If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = PI Else pHosei = PI End If Angle = Atn(Y / X) End If Angle = Angle + pHosei End Function
Option Explicit Const PI = 3.1415 Private pShp As Shape Private pV As Currency Private pVAngle As Currency Private pA As Currency Private pAAngle As Currency Public Sub SetShp(図形 As Shape) Set pShp = 図形 End Sub Property Get X() As Currency X = pShp.Left + pShp.Width / 2 End Property Property Let X(X座標 As Currency) pShp.Left = X座標 - pShp.Width / 2 End Property Property Get Y() As Currency Y = pShp.Top + pShp.Height / 2 End Property Property Let Y(Y座標 As Currency) pShp.Top = Y座標 - pShp.Height / 2 End Property Property Get Left() As Currency Left = pShp.Left End Property Property Let Left(pLeft As Currency) pShp.Left = pLeft End Property Property Get Right() As Currency Right = pShp.Left + pShp.Width End Property Property Let Right(pRight As Currency) pShp.Left = pRight - pShp.Width End Property Property Get Top() As Currency Top = pShp.Top End Property Property Let Top(pTop As Currency) pShp.Top = pTop End Property Property Get Bottom() As Currency Bottom = pShp.Top + pShp.Height End Property Property Let Bottom(pBottom As Currency) pShp.Top = pBottom - pShp.Height End Property Property Get Width() As Currency Width = pShp.Width End Property Property Let Width(pWidth As Currency) pShp.Width = pWidth End Property Property Get Height() As Currency Height = pShp.Height End Property Property Let Height(pHeight As Currency) pShp.Height = pHeight End Property Public Sub Delete() pShp.Delete End Sub Property Get 速度角度() As Currency 速度角度 = pVAngle End Property Public Sub SetV(速度 As Currency, 速度角度 As Currency) pV = 速度 pVAngle = 速度角度 End Sub Public Sub SetA(加速度 As Currency, 加速度角度 As Currency) pA = 加速度 pAAngle = 加速度角度 End Sub Public Sub Move() Me.X = Me.X + pV * Cos(pVAngle) Me.Y = Me.Y + pV * Sin(pVAngle) pV = Sqr((pV * Cos(pVAngle) + pA * Cos(pAAngle)) ^ 2 + (pV * Sin(pVAngle) + pA * Sin(pAAngle)) ^ 2) pVAngle = Angle(pV * Cos(pVAngle) + pA * Cos(pAAngle), pV * Sin(pVAngle) + pA * Sin(pAAngle)) End Sub Function Angle(X As Currency, Y As Currency) Dim pHosei As Currency If Abs(X) < 0.001 Then If Y > 0 Then Angle = PI / 2 ElseIf Y < 0 Then Angle = -PI / 2 Else Angle = PI / 2 '(;´▽`A`` End If Else If X > 0 Then If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = 0 Else pHosei = 2 * PI Else If Y >= 0 Then pHosei = PI Else pHosei = PI End If Angle = Atn(Y / X) End If Angle = Angle + pHosei End Function