面倒で Sleepとかまだ入れれていないので,動きがぎこちないです。
Option Explicit Type Position x As Currency y As Currency End Type Const x = 100, y = 200 Const 半径 = 10 Const arr原子大きさ = "1,4.67,5.07,3.70,2.70,2.57,2.47,2.47,2.40,5.13,6.20,5.33,4.77,3.90,3.67,3.47,3.30,6.27,7.70,6.57" Dim StopFlag As Boolean Dim TargetSlide As Slide Sub test() Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) TargetSlide.Shapes.Range.Delete Dim ret As Variant ret = InputBox("原子番号を入力してください。") With TargetSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 500, 40, 100, 50) .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "STOP" .ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro .ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "StopMacro" .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed .Name = "StopButton" End With Call Make(CLng(ret)) End Sub Sub Make(原子番号 As Long) Dim Plate(1 To 4) As PlateObject Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 4 Set Plate(i) = New PlateObject Next For i = 1 To Switch(原子番号 < 3, 1, 原子番号 < 11, 2, 原子番号 < 19, 3, 原子番号 > 18, 4) Set Plate(i) = 電子殻(原子番号, i) Next StopFlag = False ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run Do For i = 1 To Switch(原子番号 < 3, 1, 原子番号 < 11, 2, 原子番号 < 19, 3, 原子番号 > 18, 4) Plate(i).RotateRight Degree:=1 Next DoEvents TargetSlide.Shapes("StopButton").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "STOP" If StopFlag = True Then Exit Do Loop SlideShowWindows(1).View.Exit End Sub Sub StopMacro() StopFlag = True End Sub Function 電子殻(AtomNo As Long, pNo As Long) As PlateObject Dim r As Currency r = Split(arr原子大きさ, ",")(AtomNo - 1) * 50 Dim EleNo As Long Select Case pNo Case 1 If AtomNo > 1 Then EleNo = 2 Case 2 If AtomNo > 10 Then EleNo = 8 Else EleNo = AtomNo - 2 Case 3 If AtomNo > 18 Then EleNo = 8 Else EleNo = AtomNo - 10 Case 4 EleNo = AtomNo - 18 End Select Dim shp(): ReDim shp(EleNo) Dim decreaseR As Long: decreaseR = Switch(AtomNo < 3, 0, AtomNo < 11, 2 - pNo, AtomNo < 19, 3 - pNo, AtomNo > 18, 4 - pNo) * 25 Set shp(0) = MakeOval(250, 250, r - decreaseR, vbBlack, vbRed, False) Dim rad As Currency: rad = 2 * 3.1415 / EleNo Dim i As Long For i = 1 To EleNo Set shp(i) = MakeOval(250 + (r - decreaseR) * Cos(rad * i), 250 + (r - decreaseR) * Sin(rad * i)) Next Dim arr As Variant arr = shp Set 電子殻 = New PlateObject 電子殻.Assemble arr 電子殻.SetCenter 250, 250 End Function Function MakeOval(x As Long, y As Long, Optional r As Long = 半径, Optional LineColor As Long = vbBlack, Optional FillColor As Long = vbYellow, Optional FillVisible As Boolean = True) As Shape Set MakeOval = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2) MakeOval.Line.ForeColor.RGB = LineColor MakeOval.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = FillColor If FillVisible = True Then MakeOval.Fill.Visible = msoTrue Else MakeOval.Fill.Visible = False End Function
Option Explicit Private CenterPosition As Position Private PlateRotation As Long Private PlateShape As Shape Private ShapeID() As Long Private TargetSlide As Slide 'Public Sub Assemble(ParamArray ArgShapes()) Public Sub Assemble(Arg As Variant) Dim s As Shape Dim ShapePos() As Position: ReDim ShapePos(UBound(Arg)) ReDim ShapeID(UBound(Arg) + 1) Dim i As Long: i = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(Arg) Set s = Arg(i) If i = 0 Then Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(s.Parent.SlideIndex) End If ShapePos(i).x = Pos(s).x ShapePos(i).y = Pos(s).y ShapeID(i) = SIndex(s) Next End Sub Public Sub SetCenter(CenterX As Currency, CenterY As Currency) CenterPosition.x = CenterX CenterPosition.y = CenterY Dim tmpRadius As Currency Dim PlateRadius As Currency Dim i As Long: i = 0 Dim s As Shape PlateRadius = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(ShapeID) - 1 Set s = TargetSlide.Shapes(ShapeID(i)) tmpRadius = Sqr((Pos(s).x - CenterPosition.x) ^ 2 + (Pos(s).y - CenterPosition.y) ^ 2) + Sqr(s.Width ^ 2 + s.Height ^ 2) If tmpRadius > PlateRadius Then PlateRadius = tmpRadius Next Dim tmpPlate As Shape Set tmpPlate = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, CenterPosition.x - PlateRadius, CenterPosition.y - PlateRadius, PlateRadius * 2, PlateRadius * 2) tmpPlate.Fill.Visible = msoFalse tmpPlate.Line.Visible = msoFalse ShapeID(UBound(ShapeID)) = SIndex(tmpPlate) Set PlateShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.Range(ShapeID).Group End Sub Private Function Pos(TargetShape As Shape) As Position Pos.x = TargetShape.Left + TargetShape.Width / 2 Pos.y = TargetShape.Top + TargetShape.Height / 2 End Function Function SIndex(ByVal TargetShape As PowerPoint.Shape) As Long Dim TargetSlide As Slide: Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(TargetShape.Parent.SlideIndex) If TargetShape.Child = msoTrue Then '完全に真似させてもらった。グループ内図形の場合は親を返す Let SIndex = SIndex(TargetShape.ParentGroup) Exit Function End If Dim db As Object: Set db = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim s As Shape Dim i As Long: i = 1 For Each s In TargetSlide.Shapes db(s.Id) = i i = i + 1 Next Let SIndex = db.Item(TargetShape.Id) End Function Public Sub RotateRight(Degree As Long) PlateShape.Rotation = PlateShape.Rotation + Degree If PlateShape.Rotation = 360 Then PlateShape.Rotation = 0 TargetSlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents End Sub Public Sub RotateLeft(Degree As Long) PlateShape.Rotation = PlateShape.Rotation - Degree If PlateShape.Rotation = -360 Then PlateShape.Rotation = 0 TargetSlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents End Sub