インストールレスプログラミング( ´ー`)

VBA , JavaScript , HTAなど 365アプリはインストール必要ですが、仕事に無いケースはほぼないから(・_・;)

Excelデータを扱う コレクションラッパークラス④ 一段落






   まつもとゆきひろさん の言語のしくみ







Option Explicit

Sub test()
    Dim Data As DataCollection: Set Data = New DataCollection
    Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet: Set TargetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    Data.GetData TargetSheet.Range("a1"), True
    '1キーソート 副キーから順に複数行えば複数キーによるソート
    Data.Sort 6, True

    Dim Data2 As DataCollection
    Set Data2 = Data.Extract(1, "<=", 5, 5, "=", "データA")

    '列を減らしたいときはReduce スペース区切りで 列番号を指定すると その列のみにします。
    Dim data3 As DataCollection
    Set data3 = Data.Reduce("1 3 5")
    data3.Output TargetSheet.Range("b21"), True
    Debug.Print Data.Extract(1, "<=", 5, 5, "=", "データA").SourceCollection.Count
    Dim a As Variant
    a = Data.UniqueList(5, False, TargetSheet.Range("l11"))
    Debug.Print Data.UniqueList(5, False)(1)      '要素を個別に出力
    Debug.Print UBound(Data.UniqueList(5, False)) '要素数を出力
    '第三引数はoptionalで trueにしたら縦横入れ替えます
    Data2.Output TargetSheet.Range("a11"), True

End Sub




Option Explicit
Private Col As Collection
Private LabelCol As DataUnit
Private ラベル有 As Boolean
Private pParameterCount As Long

Property Get SourceCollection() As Collection
    Set SourceCollection = Col
End Property

Property Let SourceCollection(pCol As Collection)
    Set Col = pCol
End Property

Property Get LabelData() As DataUnit
    Set LabelData = LabelCol
End Property
Property Let LabelData(ラベルデータ As DataUnit)
    Set LabelCol = ラベルデータ
    ラベル有 = True
End Property

Property Let ParameterCount(パラメーター数 As Long)
    pParameterCount = パラメーター数
End Property

Property Get PickupValue(As Long,As Long) As Variant
    Dim d As DataUnit
    Set d = Col()
    PickupValue = d.GetParameter()
End Property

Sub GetData(BaseRange As Range, 先頭行ラベル As Boolean)
    Dim arr: arr = BaseRange.CurrentRegion.value
    Set Col = New Collection
    Set LabelCol = New DataUnit
    Dim i, j
    pParameterCount = UBound(arr, 2)
    For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
        With New DataUnit
            .SetParameterCount pParameterCount
            For j = 1 To pParameterCount
                .LetParameter j, arr(i, j)
            Col.Add .Self
        End With
    If 先頭行ラベル = True Then
        Set LabelCol = Col(1)
        Col.Remove 1
        ラベル有 = True
        ラベル有 = False
    End If
End Sub

Sub Output(BaseRange As Range, ラベル出力 As Boolean, Optional 縦横交換 As Boolean)
    Dim n As Long: n = 1
    Dim d As DataUnit
    Dim i As Long
    Dim tCol As Collection
    Set tCol = Col
    If ラベル出力 = True And ラベル有 = True Then
        tCol.Add LabelCol, , 1
    End If
    If tCol.Count = 0 Then
        BaseRange.value = "該当データなし"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim RangeArray(): ReDim RangeArray(1 To tCol.Count, 1 To pParameterCount)
    For Each d In tCol
        For i = 1 To pParameterCount
            RangeArray(n, i) = d.GetParameter(i)
        n = n + 1

    If 縦横交換 = False Then
        BaseRange.Resize(tCol.Count, pParameterCount).value = RangeArray
        BaseRange.Resize(pParameterCount, tCol.Count).value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(RangeArray)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Sort(Key As Long, 昇順 As Boolean)
    Dim d1 As Variant, d2 As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    For i = 1 To Col.Count - 1
        For j = 1 To Col.Count - i
            d1 = CallByName(Col(j), "GetParameter", VbMethod, Key)
            d2 = CallByName(Col(j + 1), "GetParameter", VbMethod, Key)
            If IsGreater(昇順, d1, d2) Then CollectionSwap Col, j, j + 1
        Next j
    Next i

End Sub

Private Sub CollectionSwap(pCol As Collection, Index1 As Long, Index2 As Long)
    Dim Item1 As Variant, Item2 As Variant
    Set Item1 = pCol.Item(Index1)
    Set Item2 = pCol.Item(Index2)
    pCol.Add Item1, after:=Index2
    pCol.Remove Index2
    pCol.Add Item2, after:=Index1
    pCol.Remove Index1
End Sub

Private Function IsGreater(which, a, B) As Boolean
    Select Case which
        Case True: IsGreater = a > B
        Case False: IsGreater = a < B
    End Select
End Function

Function Extract(Optional キー1As Variant, Optional 演算子1 As String, Optional1 As Variant, _
                 Optional キー2As Variant, Optional 演算子2 As String, Optional2 As Variant, _
                 Optional キー3As Variant, Optional 演算子3 As String, Optional3 As Variant, _
                 Optional キー4As Variant, Optional 演算子4 As String, Optional4 As Variant, _
                 Optional キー5As Variant, Optional 演算子5 As String, Optional5 As Variant) As DataCollection
    Dim tCol As Collection: Set tCol = New Collection
    Dim d As DataUnit
    Dim flg追加 As Boolean
    For Each d In Col
        flg追加 = True
        If IsMissing(キー1) Then GoTo Flag
        If 抽出演算(d.GetParameter(キー1), 演算子1,1) = False Then flg追加 = False
        If IsMissing(キー2) Then GoTo Flag
        If 抽出演算(d.GetParameter(キー2), 演算子2,2) = False Then flg追加 = False
        If IsMissing(キー3) Then GoTo Flag
        If 抽出演算(d.GetParameter(キー3), 演算子3,3) = False Then flg追加 = False
        If IsMissing(キー4) Then GoTo Flag
        If 抽出演算(d.GetParameter(キー4), 演算子4,4) = False Then flg追加 = False
        If IsMissing(キー5) Then GoTo Flag
        If 抽出演算(d.GetParameter(キー5), 演算子5,5) = False Then flg追加 = False
        If flg追加 = True Then tCol.Add d
    Dim NewData As DataCollection: Set NewData = New DataCollection
    NewData.SourceCollection = tCol
    If ラベル有 = True Then NewData.LabelData = Me.LabelData
    NewData.ParameterCount = pParameterCount
    Set Extract = NewData
End Function

Private Function 抽出演算(As Variant, 演算子 As String, 該当値 As Variant) As Boolean
    抽出演算 = False
    Select Case 演算子
        Case "="
            If= 該当値 Then 抽出演算 = True
        Case ">"
            If> 該当値 Then 抽出演算 = True
        Case "<"
            If< 該当値 Then 抽出演算 = True
        Case ">="
            If>= 該当値 Then 抽出演算 = True
        Case "<="
            If<= 該当値 Then 抽出演算 = True
    End Select
End Function

Function UniqueList(列番号 As Long, 昇順 As Boolean, Optional BaseRange As Variant) As Variant
    Dim db As Object: Set db = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim i As Long
    Dim NewDataCollection As DataCollection: Set NewDataCollection = New DataCollection
    NewDataCollection.SourceCollection = Me.SourceCollection
    NewDataCollection.Sort 列番号, 昇順
    For i = 1 To NewDataCollection.SourceCollection.Count
        db(NewDataCollection.PickupValue(i, 列番号)) = 1
    Dim arr As Variant
    arr = db.keys

    ReDim Preserve arr(1 To UBound(arr) + 1)
    UniqueList = arr
    If IsObject(BaseRange) = False Then Exit Function
    BaseRange.Resize(UBound(arr), 1).value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr)
End Function

Function Reduce(列リスト As String) As DataCollection
    Dim tCol As Collection: Set tCol = New Collection
    Dim d As DataUnit
    Dim ListCount As Long: ListCount = UBound(Split(列リスト, " ")) + 1
    If ListCount = 0 Then Exit Function
    Dim arr(): ReDim arr(1 To ListCount)
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To ListCount
        arr(i) = Split(列リスト, " ")(i - 1)
    Set tCol = Col
    If ラベル有 = True Then
        tCol.Add LabelCol, , 1
    End If
    Dim NewCol As Collection: Set NewCol = New Collection
    For Each d In tCol
        With New DataUnit
            .SetParameterCount ListCount
            For i = 1 To ListCount
                .LetParameter i, d.GetParameter(arr(i))
            NewCol.Add .Self
        End With
    Set Reduce = New DataCollection
    If ラベル有 = True Then
        Set d = NewCol(1)
        Reduce.LabelData = d
        NewCol.Remove 1
    End If
    Reduce.ParameterCount = ListCount
    Reduce.SourceCollection = NewCol
End Function


Option Explicit
Private Parameter()
Private pパラメーター数 As Long

Property Get Self() As Object
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Sub SetParameterCount(パラメーター数 As Long)
    ReDim Parameter(1 To パラメーター数)
    pパラメーター数 = パラメーター数
End Sub

Sub LetParameter(paramNo, value)
    Parameter(paramNo) = value
End Sub

Function GetParameter(paramNo) As Variant
    GetParameter = Parameter(paramNo)
End Function