Powerpoint VBA 表で遊ぶ その2
Const 全幅 = 960, 全高 = 540 Sub test() Dim Sld1 As Slide: Set Sld1 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) Const 行数 As Long = 11, 列数 As Long = 7 Dim 行高さ As Long, 列幅 As Long 行高さ = 全高 / 行数 列幅 = 全幅 / 列数 Dim i, j With Sld1.Shapes.AddTable(行数, 列数, 0, 0, 全幅, 全高) .Name = "表" .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbWhite With .Table .ApplyStyle "{5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}" '"スタイルなし、表のグリッド線あり" For i = 0 To 行数 - 1 For j = 0 To 列数 - 1 With Sld1.Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, j * 列幅, i * 行高さ, 列幅, 行高さ) .Name = i + 1 & " " & j + 1 With .ActionSettings(ppMouseClick) .Action = ppActionRunMacro .Run = "編集" End With With .ActionSettings(ppMouseOver) .Action = ppActionRunMacro .Run = "変化" End With End With Next Next End With End With End Sub Sub 編集(Shp As Shape) Dim Sld1 As Slide: Set Sld1 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) Dim arr, ret arr = Split(Shp.Name) ret = InputBox("値を入力") Sld1.Shapes("表").Table.Cell(arr(0), arr(1)).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ret End Sub Sub 変化(Shp As Shape) Dim Sld1 As Slide: Set Sld1 = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) Sld1.Shapes("表").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbWhite Dim arr, ret arr = Split(Shp.Name) Sld1.Shapes("表").Table.Cell(arr(0), arr(1)).Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbGray End Sub