お皿 クラスモジュールにしてみる。
追記 見直したらShapeIDという配列変数の名前最悪だ・・でももうネマス。😞
Option Explicit Type Position x As Currency y As Currency End Type Const x = 100, y = 200 Dim StopFlag As Boolean Sub test() Dim TargetSlide As Slide: Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) Dim Plate1 As PlateObject: Set Plate1 = New PlateObject Plate1.Assemble TargetSlide.Shapes(1), TargetSlide.Shapes(2), TargetSlide.Shapes(3) Plate1.SetCenter x, y StopFlag = False ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run Do Plate1.RotateRight Degree:=1 If StopFlag = True Then Exit Do Loop SlideShowWindows(1).View.Exit End Sub Sub STopMacro() StopFlag = True End Sub
Option Explicit Private CenterPosition As Position Private PlateRotation As Long Private PlateShape As Shape Private ShapeID() As Long Private TargetSlide As Slide Public Sub Assemble(ParamArray ArgShapes()) Dim s As Shape Dim ShapePos() As Position: ReDim ShapePos(UBound(ArgShapes)) ReDim ShapeID(UBound(ArgShapes) + 1) Dim i As Long: i = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(ArgShapes) Set s = ArgShapes(i) If i = 0 Then Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(s.Parent.SlideIndex) End If ShapePos(i).x = Pos(s).x ShapePos(i).y = Pos(s).y ShapeID(i) = SIndex(s) Next End Sub Public Sub SetCenter(CenterX As Currency, CenterY As Currency) CenterPosition.x = CenterX CenterPosition.y = CenterY Dim tmpRadius As Currency Dim PlateRadius As Currency Dim i As Long: i = 0 Dim s As Shape PlateRadius = 0 For i = 0 To UBound(ShapeID) - 1 Set s = TargetSlide.Shapes(ShapeID(i)) tmpRadius = Sqr((Pos(s).x - CenterPosition.x) ^ 2 + (Pos(s).y - CenterPosition.y) ^ 2) + Sqr(s.Width ^ 2 + s.Height ^ 2) If tmpRadius > PlateRadius Then PlateRadius = tmpRadius Next Dim tmpPlate As Shape Set tmpPlate = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, CenterPosition.x - PlateRadius, CenterPosition.y - PlateRadius, PlateRadius * 2, PlateRadius * 2) tmpPlate.Fill.Visible = msoFalse tmpPlate.Line.Visible = msoFalse ShapeID(UBound(ShapeID)) = SIndex(tmpPlate) Set PlateShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.Range(ShapeID).Group End Sub Private Function Pos(TargetShape As Shape) As Position Pos.x = TargetShape.Left + TargetShape.Width / 2 Pos.y = TargetShape.Top + TargetShape.Height / 2 End Function Function SIndex(ByVal TargetShape As PowerPoint.Shape) As Long Dim TargetSlide As Slide: Set TargetSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(TargetShape.Parent.SlideIndex) If TargetShape.Child = msoTrue Then '完全に真似させてもらった。グループ内図形の場合は親を返す Let SIndex = SIndex(TargetShape.ParentGroup) Exit Function End If Dim db As Object: Set db = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim s As Shape Dim i As Long: i = 1 For Each s In TargetSlide.Shapes db(s.Id) = i i = i + 1 Next Let SIndex = db.Item(TargetShape.Id) End Function Public Sub RotateRight(Degree As Long) PlateShape.Rotation = PlateShape.Rotation + Degree If PlateShape.Rotation = 360 Then PlateShape.Rotation = 0 TargetSlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents End Sub Public Sub RotateLeft(Degree As Long) PlateShape.Rotation = PlateShape.Rotation - Degree If PlateShape.Rotation = -360 Then PlateShape.Rotation = 0 TargetSlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange = " " DoEvents End Sub